This service is accessible for people who may require assistance with personal care, washing, assistance with medication, cooking, getting ready for bed and getting up in the morning. We offer a flexible service with care calls ranging from half an hour to as long as required.

Personal care is a sensitive area. Many people are embarrassed about asking for help, even from those they know well.  We understand this completely, and our care workers are trained to be especially sensitive about these issues.

They will take the time to establish exactly what they can do to make your life more comfortable, and do this in a sensitive and professional manner. We care about your dignity and way of life, and we will always treat our service users with respect and courtesy.

Medication Support

Are you worried about remembering which medication to take and when? Or is a relative starting to become forgetful about their medicaton? 

Our medication support service is there to help.

Respite Care

Looking after someone can make it hard to take a break. Our respite service provides the care you and your loved one need, whether it’s for a couple of hours, a couple of weeks or even longer.